Scriptly Offers Worm Treatment for Pets

Scriptly, an online pet pharmacy based in Australia, is offering worm treatment for pets, such as dogs and cats. Worms are not just bad for the dog or cat, but these parasites can also cause problems for people in the home. Pets usually get worms when they come in contact with faeces or soil contaminated with worm eggs. These parasites are capable of surviving in the intestines of pets since they can get sustenance from blood and other nutrients inside. Hookworms and roundworms can also be transmitted to the young via mother’s milk.

Commonly found in cats and dogs are roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms, and whipworms. Roundworms are long, white, and look like spaghetti. A pet infected with roundworms will usually have a pot-like belly and will typically suffer from diarrhoea. Hookworms are much shorter than roundworms but they have sharp and pointy mouths that they use to attach themselves to the walls of the intestines and feed on blood. Indications of the presence of hookworms include anaemia and extreme tiredness as a result of the blood loss. In severe cases, such blood loss can be fatal. Whipworms are hard to diagnose because they can be asymptomatic until the infection has already become severe. Early signs are weight loss and diarrhoea. Tapeworms are the most common type in Australia but they are usually not severe. Symptoms of tapeworm infestation include scratching and licking their bottoms. Some worm segments may also be seen in their faeces.

For those who are interested in worm treatment for dogs, this should be done every fortnight from age two weeks to 12-weeks. After this, the treatment should be provided to the pup every month until they reach six-months old. After six months of age, the pups are to be treated every three months for life.

A spokesperson for Scriptly says, “Scriptly offers many of Australia’s most reputable and trusted brands of worm treatments for dogs. Some of the most popular products include Advocate worming treatment for dogs, Advantage flea and worm treatment for dogs, Bravecto spot-on for dogs, Nexgard Spectra and many more. Whether you’re after worming tablets or worming cream, you’ll be able to get it all here.”

Cats, just like dogs, can also get worms, especially those who love to hunt and eat birds and rodents. If the animal they ate has parasites, these could get transferred to the cat. Cats that roam outside are more likely to get worms but even indoor cats can also get worms. Worms can get transferred by mother cat to its kittens via mother’s milk. Fleas can also carry worms, such as the tapeworm, which can be transferred to cats.

Typical signs of the presence of tapeworm and roundworm in cats are diarrhoea, weight loss, a swollen belly, a dull coat, lack of energy, and blood in the stool. Cats who clean their bottom more often than usual may also be an indication of the presence of worms. Cats who cough and wheeze may also be a sign they have lungworm, which is a parasite that resides in their lungs. Some cats may seem to be healthy and happy but may still have worms, which means regular de-worming is recommended.

As an overall guide, kittens up to 8 weeks old should be given the treatment every two weeks. Kittens older than 8 weeks should be treated once a month. Kittens older than 6 months should be treated every three months. Adult cats should be given the treatment once every three or four months a year. Cats who roam outside and hunt regularly should be treated once a month.

Scriptly was founded with the mission of offering easy online access to prescription pet meds. It makes filling pet prescriptions easy through their online eScript service. This online pet pharmacy offers access to a broad range of over-the-counter and prescription pet meds, including a range of the most trusted brands in Australia.

Those who are interested in worm treatment for cats and dogs can visit the Scriptly website or contact them through email.